Tuesday, February 8, 2011

7 Games Down!

I usually set a goal for myself to beat, complete, or master a certain amount of games in a year. While I didn't exactly do that this year (concentrating on Trophies instead), I have already completed 7 games so far this year. It's only February!

I guess, it depends on one's definition of beating a game though. So here are my 7, and I will break each one down with a little snippet of my thoughts on it.

Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - Episode 2: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak

Technically I beat the first game in this 5 game series right at the end of 2010 (December 28th to be exact), but we have to stick with 2011 for this. I completed the whole 'episode' and obtained all trophies for this game. I say game, because while all TellTale games are done in 5 part episodes, each episode is it's own self contained game. At least in the case of Sam & Max (and Strongbad). This game is 100% beat & completed. :)

Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - Episode 3: They Stole Max's Brain!

This really is a great, fun, and hilarious series! Also easy trophies! This game is 100% beat & completed. :)

SBCG4AP Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner

Another 5 part series from TellTale games. I actually beat this on the Wii a long time ago, but getting the whole 5 game set on the PSN with trophy support for $15 was too good to pass up (versus $50 for the whole set on Wii). Plus I absolutely LOVE all things Homestarrunner! Always have, and this is a great fucking series! And again easy trophies. :)  This game is 100% beat & completed. :)

SBCG4AP Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free

Part 2, same as the first. Easy trophies. This game is 100% beat & completed. :)

SBCG4AP Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands

Part 3, same as the first 2 games in the series. Easy trophies. This game is 100% beat & completed. :)

SBCG4AP Episode 4: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective

Part 4 of the series. Had to play this one 3 times to get the trophies. With that said.... Sort of Easy trophies. This game is 100% beat, completed, AND MASTERED! :)

Digger HD

Normally a $10 game on the PSN, it was offered to PSN+ Users for free. Can't pass that up! Quite a fun game really. A nice combo of Dig Dug, and Boulder Dash. I sat an beat all 60 levels of the Arcade mode. Nabbed a few trophies in the process. However I can only say this game is beaten. With the remaining trophies, and the other game modes, this game is far from 'complete'. So again, just beaten. :)

So now it is my goal to obviously complete the remainder of the TellTale games, and that still leaves quite a few. I have one more SBCG4AP, two more Sam & Max, not to mention 4 of the Tales of Monkey Island and the five BTTF games due out this Spring/Summer. For TellTale that means I still have 12 games to beat this year! I think last year I set a goal of 20 games for myself. I have a feeling this will be the year I get that, and most likely go beyond it. :)

Have a great day guys and gals, and GAME ON!

- Gamer42 (MvM)


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